Monday, February 22, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Snow Thoughts

There is something about snow that always brings me back to my childhood: I could not wait to put a couple of bread sacks between two layers of socks and get out in it. Out in it till the point that I couldn’t wait to get back in the warm house -- hours and hours later.

This morning, as I looked out the window at the current wonderland, I saw them: Snow Diamonds = ice crystals sparkling in the sunshine. Interesting, at least to me, is how only a handful of crystals choose to sparkle for me at any given time. Out of thousands of square yards of snow blanketing the backyard and field behinds us, only a handful of “diamonds” sparkle at any given time. I see them as tiny glimmers (reminders) that there is still beauty in this world.  

We’ve been reminded over and over this past year that, as Sara Raasch is quoted, “Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.”  A blizzard started with a virus, a blizzard started with a brutal killing, a blizzard started with words . . .

Blizzards disrupt our lives. Blizzards put our lives at a standstill. But, when the blizzard is over and the sun shines, there are glimmers of hope.  

Blizzards offer of day or two of slowing down -- giving us time to reflect our inner light — or at least a reflection on how we can offer little “diamonds” to brighten the lives of our fellow “flakes” in this sometimes frozen world.

In the meantime,
    -- Frank Zappa

Do people still save bread sacks for playing in the snow?

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Super Bowl, Collecting, Stuff . . .

Well, I broke down and watched the Super Bowl.  Tradition.  
A few of takeaways: 
1) I haven't really missed anything all year.
2) The NFL is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try to correct something -- though I'm not sure where all the money is going.
3) The halftime show was ???
I used to love professional sports.  Even to the point that collecting baseball cards was a major passion of mine.  A short story:
When I was maybe twelve, I read an ad in the back of a comic book. Send in money for postage, and  someone by the name of Ken M (last name withheld to protect the innocent) would send you his HUGE catalog full of comic books, non-sport cards, sports cards, etc.  So, I did.  What I receive was AMAZING.  Some of it typed, single spaced, two-sided pages and others hand-written -- FULL of stuff you could buy. That started a several year love affair with Mr. M and his amazing catalogs.  

We'd work our tails off around the house and neighborhood to earn money to send off for a cards.  Then, a few weeks later, a small box would arrive full of cards.  A lot of it really old and now somewhat valuable.  Including early Topps Jackie Robinson, Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays . . .   

For once in my life, I was the kid who had access to a gold mine of treasure that none of my "rich" friends had -- and I certainly wasn't sharing that information!  Okay, I did share with a few close friends. 

Turn the page to this past December.  I was visiting one of those old friends and asked if he remembered Ken M.  "Not only that, I'm sure I still have one of his catalogs in a box in the attic!"  Off we went.  Not only did he find one, hen he handed it to me, I saw that it was addressed to me. 
It was one of mine that I had shared with him in 1974.  "I wonder if he's still alive?"
That question prompted an internet search and the finding of ONE Ken M.  So, I wrote to him (if he were in fact the same man) to let me know how much he and his catalogs meant to me.  Last week came the reply.  YES!  Mr. M is alive.  He couldn't believe that "someone out there" still remembered him.  Turns out that in the early 70s he was right out of the service and wanted to prove to his parents that he could start and run his own business.  It didn't last long, but he said he still had a collection and building of stuff -- all to be turned into a museum.  


I'm reminded of all this because my grandchildren are in town and they found this:

A box full of something else I collected years ago:  PEZ.  Maybe a couple of hundred.  

Collections.  At least for a few hours on this cold and icy day, providing enjoyment.  Who knows, maybe some day all that stuff will end up in a museum?
And what WAS up with that halftime show?  

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn


Monday, February 1, 2021


 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, 
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, 
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science,  
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, 
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science,  
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, 
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, 
 Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science,  Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science...
Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn