Thursday, October 20, 2016

Debate News: Hold Your Horses . . .

Every morning i put our lap dog Uli in a chair with me and I read the morning paper (okay, she reads; I scan headlines and look at the pictures).  This morning’s headlines are no surprise:  National and Local Debates.  Language like, "Haymakers and jabs punctuate local debate."  And the opening line from Las Vegas -- "Threatening to upend a basic pillar of American democracy, blah, blah, blah . . . "

What a circus!  What a bunch of clowns!  Agree?  Not so fast!

Perhaps what follows will change your mind.  I see that one headline that did not make our local paper:

Ringling Bros. Declares: The Circus Wants The Circus Back!

Dateline: Ringing Bros. and Barnum & Baily website

Official statement:  We here at Ringling Bros. have had enough of the media calling this year’s election a “circus.” In fact, we’re downright insulted! Calling something or someone a “circus” or a “clown” isn’t something anyone should say lightly. Our performers have been working their entire lives to become top-notch circus artists talented enough to perform at the industry’s Presidential level — The Greatest Show On Earth.

Seems that this year’s election rhetoric has crossed a line.   Over this past year, the mainstream media (whatever the heck that means) has used the term “circus” and "clowns" in more disparaging ways than the circus has, well, clowns jumping out of a tiny carand Barnum & Bailey Circus.”
. “Even President Barack Obama himself has repeatedly called the 2016 Presidential election a circus or referred to the candidates as clowns,” noted Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Out Of This World™ Ringmaster, Johnathan Lee Iverson. “These comparisons need to stop! We want to take back the circus to where it belongs, to the real circus, the Ringling Bros.

Go to to join the movement.  

The election countdown clock at 18 days and counting, so . . .
Hold your horses, here come the elephants!  And the asses!  We shall see. But, PLEASE, stop referring to the election as a "circus" and the bozos as "clowns."

In the meantime, Carpe diem!
David Kuhn

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