It's the day before Thanksgiving. I hate watching television on this night because this is when the After-Christmas Sales advertising starts!
Yes, Thanksgiving used to be, as George Will wrote, "the official handmaiden of commerce and turned into the starting gun for the sprint of Christmas shopping." Now the entire month of November is "Black Friday."
But, to me -- and most Americans -- Thanksgiving is about the meal. (okay, the meal and football.) It's creative. It's sharing. It's serving. It is Communion! (apologies to those who believe that "communion" is an exclusively Christian sacrament.)
Since the first caveman or woman who didn't entirely eat what he or she found and, instead, brought it back to the cave to share with others, there has been communion. And since that time, people who care for one another and are deeply connected by blood or an invisible web of friendships have shared food as a sign of, and a reaffirmation of, their relationship. Communion.
So, this Thanksgiving, as you gather around the table, think about this prayer offered by Robert Fulghum:
"In this house, we believe the finest blessing is fine companionship during a meal. With such company as we have now, we are blessed, indeed. May God bless us all. Amen."
Happy Thanksgiving.
Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn
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