Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Part the Curtain

There is a lot of "ugly" in this world right now -- always has been, I guess.
And there is a lot of blame being thrown around -- always has been, I guess.

Is it possible that, by believing that we're all separate from our creator and each other, that we all have created what we say we detest?  Just a guess.

As God says in Neal Donald Walsch's classic book Conversations with God, "For it only when they can accept responsibility for all of it they can achieve the power to change part of it . . . Only when you can say 'I did this' can you find the power to change it."

We are they -- always have been, I guess.

Life is
        -- Deng Ming-Dao

To buffer ourselves from the underbelly of terror in this life, we seek beauty.
While true, that beauty cannot completely veil all the terror and suffering in our lives, including the horror that takes place on the other side of the world and brought into our lives through mainstream media (whatever the hell that means) and social media, but it's the best that I can do at this moment.  So, this week, I'm going to try to focus on beauty, nature, love.  
I don't know if that will help heal the world, but it's the best that I can do -- always has been, I guess.

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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