Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Joy of Un-Decorating Christmas

 Another Non-NFL story (this should be ending soon, right?).

Another holiday is behind us.  Some would say different, but we've gone through different before.  Christmas seems to be that one holiday that measures "different."  Every Christmases is a "first" for something:  Age-appropriate gifts change through the years, Grandparents pass away, spouses enter, kids enter, kids believe in Santa, kids stop believing in Santa, kids leave for college or careers, parents pass, a virus shows up instead of Santa, . . .  

At some point, it's time to take down the decorations.  That's what we did this weekend at my Mother-in-law's and at our house.  A lot of people decorate with enthusiasm and undecorate with a sense of sadness and emptiness.  I don't know, I rather enjoy the undecorating part as well.  It's an affirmation that this is a new year.  A new opportunity to do and discover new things.  To continue practicing this thing we call life.

Happy New Year!

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Oh, I've had a very old cigar box lying around for years.  I've looked at that thing and moved it out of my way so many times.  It's even been in the donate pile.  Still, I couldn't help thinking,  "Someday, I'm going to do something with that!"  This past week I did: 

This project presented plenty of unplanned opportunities to come up with creative solutions.  Now, I just need to learn to play the darn thing.  Yes, a new opportunity to do and discover new things.  A new year to continue practicing this thing we call life. 


Carpe diem Life,

David Kuhn

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