Friday, July 20, 2018

How do you fall down stairs?

"That which does not kill me makes me stronger."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

I don't know if ol' Friedrich said that after falling down the stairs or not, but I'm saying it.

Okay, I didn't exactly fall DOWN the stairs at 5:30 a.m.  I fell ON the stairs -- then slid down the rest.  

How do you fall down the stairs at 5:30 in the morning?
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 12.

I don't know if my wife was awake when the event started, but I can assure you that she was wide awake when it was over.  To paraphrase Ralphie in Christmas Story, in the heat of battle, I weave a tapestry of obscenity that, as far as we know, is still hanging in space over the Ohio River.

I know that I should give thanks for my pain, as it teaches me courage and all that good stuff.  But, d@#M it hurts.  I am thankful that nothing appears broken and I can walk with not much more pain than I usually have going on.  Time to get on with my day.  Afterall, this morning, I'm stronger!

Have a great day, a great weekend, and be careful on the stairs. 

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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