Monday, August 20, 2018


Time:  6:15 A.M.
When: Last Week
Where:  My driveway
What:  Walking down the driveway to the mailbox to pick up the morning paper.  Suddenly, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH  Son-of-a-Bi. . . Mother Fu... What the hell?!!!!" (direct quote, by the way). 

My first thought was to look around to see if any of my neighbors saw me and wondered, "What the heck is that crazy man doing:  dancing, spinning, arms flailing for no apparent reason?"  I'm sure that if they write a blog, this would surely have to be a subject.

Then I thought about what the spider must have told his friends:  "So, there I am, after spending hours working on my web and here comes along the BIGGEST catch I've ever had.  HUGE.  There I was, hanging on for dear life screaming 'AAAAAGGGGHHHH!  Son-of-a-Bi . . .  Mother Fu . . . What the hell?'  Before I could wrap him up, he tore the whole web apart.  Not only lost my breakfast but my entire night's work.  First thing I did was look around to see if any of my spider neighbors saw it."

I eventually calmed down.  Found no spider -- though I swear there was one hanging on all day -- and went about my day.

I wonder if spiders write blogs?  If they do, do the post it on the web?

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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