Wednesday, January 2, 2019

"Day of Purging"

Yesterday was my annual "Day of Purging."  I start the new year by putting on a pot of beans (black-eyed peas for good luck) and go through closets, shelves, drawers, etc. and purge stuff I haven't used over that past year -- at least that's the plan.  Truth-be-told, I rarely throw anything out as I'm a bit of a sentimental accumulator (a.k.a. hoarder). 

I do, however, find a few things to donate or pitch.  And I do manage to organize my stuff.  Okay, at least the stacks are a little neater for a day or two.

This year's "Day of Purging" had a different focus:  PURGING GERMS.

Yep, the Flu Bug attacked us with a vengeance this past weekend.  Yesterday, I was finally feeling well enough to try to purge the germs that sent us all reeling.

It started Saturday when my older daughter came in with son-in-law and two kids.  She got sick almost immediately.  Thinking that the rest of us could escape the onslaught, we retreated to the zoo for a day of fun.  Within an hour, our 7-year old granddaughter was ambushed by the bug in one of the buildings (our apologies to the wonderful zoo staff who had to clean up the battlefield).

The son-in-law was next, followed by our younger daughter.  I managed to feel well enough on Sunday to get out with Suzanne and both grandkids (little Annabeth bounced back quickly).  Unfortunately, be the end of the day and just after we decided that it was time to retire our bonfire that evening, I was hit.  Our poor old oak tree will never be the same.

Suzanne was the only one who was strong enough not to be taken prisoner.

So, yesterday was not my typical "Day of Purging."  I had to change direction, adapt, improvise, overcome,  and go with the flow -- of Lysol!

Happy New Year.

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn 

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