Thursday, April 9, 2020

A View From Space

I’ve always been fascinated by space.  So, when I ran across this article and video, I just had to share it. Even if you’re not into astronauts and living in space, I believe that this will be extremely valuable to you — especially over the next days and weeks.

How to survive self-isolation, according to an astronaut
By Georgina Torbet March 22, 2020

With so many of us staying home and practicing social distancing due to the global pandemic of coronavirus, officially called COVID-19, people are thinking about how to stay sane and achieve some goals while stuck in self-isolation. To help with this, retired Canadian astronaut and national treasure Chris Hadfield has made a video offering advice on how to cope with isolation.

It’s a topic Hadfield has plenty of experience with, having served as commander of the International Space Station and having spent a total of 166 days in space, dealing with cramped conditions and limited social contact.

“I’ve spent a little time self-isolation onboard a spaceship,” Hadfield began his video. “It’s an extremely dangerous environment up on board the space station, and yet we find a way to thrive and be productive that far away from our normal lives.”

He offered four tips for those struggling with self-isolation:

    1.    Understand the actual risk. Hadfield said that generalized fear is not helpful and that people should look to credible sources to find out the real level of risk that they personally are facing based on their particular situation.
    2.    What’s your mission? Hadfield suggested people pick a mission or think about their objectives, and try to decide what they hope to achieve and what they want to get done.
    3.    Look at your constraints. As well as the need to stay away from others consider factors like financial resources and your obligations.
    4.    Take action. Once you know what you want to achieve and what your limitations are, you can start acting, whether that’s taking care of family members, learning an instrument, studying a language, reading, writing, or any other activity. “It’s a chance to do something different,” Hadfield said.

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Here is a link to a video (I hope it works for you):

If not, just Google :
Chris Hadfield - An Astronaut's 4 Tips To Survive Self-Isolation

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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