Thursday, August 25, 2016

Carpe Kaizen Diem?

I’m not an expert on anything — especially the topic of success.  I CHOSE to start this blog as a way to encourage myself to get into the habit of continuous IMPROVEMENT.  Hopefully we’ll help each other along the way and we will become valuable RESOURCES for each other.

Which beings me to Kaizen.  Kaizen is a tool that surfaced during the effort to rebuild Japan after World War II.  Kai (IMPROVEMENT) and Zen (good)).  It’s now more commonly knows as Continuous Improvement.  Used more in manufacturing applications, Kaizen is a valuable lesson for all of us:  Focus applying small, daily, changes that result in major changes over time. 

I recognize that life is one wild ride, and if I want to IMPROVE any area of my life — family, career, hobbies, etc. — I have to IMPROVE myself.  I’m a work in progress.  So, I offer a motto from John C. Maxwell from his book Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn:

I’m not where I’m supposed to be.
I’m not what I want to be.
But I’m not what I used to be.
I haven’t learned how to arrive:
I’ve just learned how to keep going.

And, may I add, IMPROVING.

Carpe Kaizen Diem!

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