Thursday, February 9, 2017

A few Haiku Thoughts . . .

A few months ago I decided that I would practice writing daily.  If nothing else, I would write a haiku.

A haiku is a Haiku is a contemplative, unrhymed Japanese-style poem that consists of 17 syllables, contained usually within three lines.

"The primary purpose of reading and writing haiku," writes William J. Higginson, "is sharing moments of our lives that have moved us, pieces of experience and perception that we offer or receive as gifts. At the deepest level, this is one of the great purposes of all art, and especially of literature."

I write haiku poems when I don't have anything else that I can think of to write-- which is most days.  Most were inspired by something I had been reading at the time; or some experience.  So, without further ado, I present a few haikus out of my collection:

The greatest feat of Man
The pursuit of happiness
How to accomplish?

A message fro Psalms
The joyfulness of a man
Prolongeth his days

My lingering cold
The first cold of the season
It is just snot fair! 

This is life! Enjoy it!
Happiness hates the timid
Human life is play!

The question for me
Do I prefer to be right
or live happily?

Let my boat be light
Packed only with what I need
Live simplicity

Manifest plainness
and embrace simplicity
Reduce selfishness 

Happiness is not
found in our circumstances
But found in ourselves

When we hold a torch
to lighten another's patch
We brighten our own

Skating away on
The thin ice of the new day
Thank you Jethro Tull

A scarlet sunset
Intro to the longest night
The Winter Solstice

Clogged drains like clogged minds
Restrict the positive flow
Causing backed up shit!

I awake and write
I have practiced my haiku
Now, brewed black coffee

Carpe Diem Life
I hope you enjoyed the show
Good Day, David Kuhn

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