Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What if . . . ?

"I" in my Carpe Diem Life stands for IMPROVEMENT.  But, it could also stand for IMAGINATION or IF.

"What if . . . ?" is a powerful question.

"What if . . . ?" Creates change.

"What if . . .  ?" starts the process of generating new ideas and creative solutions.

""Status quo is mediocrity's best friend. While static thinking is the best short cut to obsolescence you'll ever find. Why would you want to travel that path?" -- Business writer Mike Myatt

I mentioned the other day that I was starting to travel down the path -- the very long path -- of decluttering.  What if the office were clean and organized? 

Again, I'm not writing this blog because I'm an expert.  I'm writing this blog because I'M NOT AN EXPERT!  Frank Lloyd Wright had it right, "An expert is a man who has stopped thinking - he knows!"  The only thing I know is that I don't know.  Fortunately, I'm not afraid to ask 'What if . . . ?"

About the above image:  
The question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up the hard soil of old belief sand preparing for the new growth. 

Quote by Saul Alinsky. 
Calligraphy by my daughter Amy in 1998.
Found while decluttering -- a hidden treasure that made me smile.  

I am preparing for new growth.

Carpe Diem Life 

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