Tuesday, April 9, 2019

"Consumption Diet" and "Attention Residue"

Consumption Observation

Bowled last night. 

At one point, one of my teammates came up to me and said something like, "I can't believe this shit!"

My first thought was, "That I'm bowling so poorly, again?"

But, he had me scan the lanes of sixteen five-person teams and some friends and family. 


"Look around.  Well over half of these people are staring at their f'n phones!" 

True.  It was a predictable cycle:  Get up, bowl, go back to their seats and stick their noses in their phones to continue to consume a diet of text, emails, games, online shopping . . . (Of course, I might have benefited from looking up tips on how to bowl better.  But, that's another story). 

Introducing to the new-to-me term:   "Attention Residue"

Which means … what, exactly?   Basically, research finds that people are less productive when they are constantly moving from one task to another instead of focusing on one thing at a time.  This carryover from one task to another has been dubbed “attention residue,” where you’re still thinking of a previous task as you start another one. 

Here's where, if I were an expert, I'd offer some sage advice on how to cure "attention residue".  Unfortunately, I've got a thousand things swirling around in my head as I attempt to finish this article.  Good luck with your projects.

Let's just try to aware.

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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