Saturday, May 30, 2020

What would compassion do?

Even though I try not to watch news reports, occasionally events happen that I just can't hide from. Not hide exactly.  I just choose to try to not get emotionally involved in things that don't concern me.  On the other hand, if everything is connected then everything should concern me.  

Creates a sort of a riot in my mind.  I'm sorry, I should have said that it creates a protest in my mind.

So, I was thinking about this Minneapolis situation. 

Just a question:  What would a response of compassion brought forth?

A police officer acting with compassion toward the suspect?
A community acting with compassion toward the police officer (allowing justice to be served, or course)?

Seems that compassion brings a community closer, while anger does the opposite.  Does a community need anger and hatred to survive?  Or compassion?

Yes, I know:  Easier said than done!

Easier to beat and kill a man than to act compassionately.  Easier to burn a building than to build one. 

Maybe easier isn't the answer.

Just some random thoughts this morning.

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn 

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