Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday Rants

So, those of you who know me know that I’m not a big fan of watching news.  I just saw too much “sausage making” when I started my career in a news room.  Then too many production nightmares when I directed. 

But, this morning I got on Facebook (why? why? why?) for the heck of it.  One acquaintance wrote a manifesto about how he’s disappointed that more people don’t post criticism of the state of U.S. affairs: The lies, the corruptions, the shredding the Constitution, "trying to undermine and destroy the foundation of our democracy, the right to vote. .  " the whatever.  He says that he’s suffering anxiety and loosing sleep over it.

One word:  Melatonin

Or, five words:  Get the F&$K off of Facebook!

And what’s all this I hear about the tragedy that is the “destroying” the U.S. Postal Service?

What?  For years — perhaps as long as I can remember — the U.S. Postal Service has been the butt of jokes.  An easy target, in fact.  Postal service jokes don’t even need much setup: It’s all in the delivery!

Now all the sudden people are acting as if it’s the most efficient, well-oiled machine on the planet?  Fascinating.

Anyway, just a couple of rants to start the day. 

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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