Monday, January 28, 2019

Random Thoughts

I've got a lot of other writing to do today.  Mainly, the monthly newsletter for the black power muzzleloading club I'm a member of.  We had our first shoot of the year on Saturday and, yes, it was cold.

Someone named Pietro Aretino once said,  "Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius."
Does that mean over a dozen of us must be geniuses for coming out to the range to shoot in sub-freezing (sub-freezing sounds colder than upper-20s) temps?

The "Frozen Tundra" of Patoka Valley Long Rifles:

Anyway, we usually dress pre-1840 for shoots, but on the paper range, we go more modern -- especially in extreme cold and heat.

So, back to being too busy to give original writing much thought . . .

I thought I would pinch something from a book I'm scanning titled The Gospel According to The Beatles by Steve Turner.  It's a paragraph about early rock 'n' roll:

"The enemies of rock 'n' roll were coldness, inhibition, and lifeless conformity.  Its friends were passion, spontaneity, individuality, and imagination."

Passion and imagination were found among outsiders, those who had no significant stake in society -- blacks, petty criminals, delinquents, deviants, boboes, gypsies, junkies.  Rock 'n' roll was largely forged by such outsiders.

"The music rarely articulates what it was against," Turner writes.   "Its values were primarily communicated through its spirit."

There you have this week's keywords to add to the tune of your life:
Passion, Spontaneity, Individuality, and Imagination.

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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