Monday, April 2, 2018

Prayer in Progress Part 13 of __?__

If you've just stumbled upon this blog, I'm currently working on notes from an on-going journal called Prayer in Progress.  I'm working on this now in hopes of creating a personal manifesto.  So, a lot of this may be used -- or may not.  We shall see.  Again, I apologize to all the authors that I borrowed some of these lines from and have not credited. 

Here goes the next few notes:

Today and every day I will reach out, share, smile, love, and create.  I will work to improve myself and help others.  I will make it better than I found it.  And "it" is a spectacular word (and "better" is subjective. So, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this one).

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."  "The End" by The Beatles.

Plan Purposely
Prepare Properly
Proceed Positively
Pursue Persistently

The greatest essentials of happiness are:
Something to DO.  Something to LOVE. Something to HOPE for.
-- Allan K. Chalmers

To be continued . . .

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn

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