Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Another "Leave it better than I found it" story

Moutoux Park (off St. Joe on the north side) is one of the more unknown Evansville parks. Mostly known for soccer fields, it does offer a few other amenities -- including a large lake with a hiking trail around it.

"I see litter as part of a long continuum of anti-social behavior."
-- Bill Bryson

Yes, being a secluded lake where people fish, drink, and god knows what else, litter is a problem. 

So, today was another "adopt a spot" trash pick up.  It's a shame that I made it only 1/8th around the lake before I filled a large trash bag full of discarded beer cans, styrofoam drink cups, and plastic live bait containers. 

I don't know if anyone will appreciate it, but the fox that I saw down at the creek looked up at me and we seemed to have a moment.

Speaking of having a moment.   From the "and god knows what else department":  They say every object tells a story.  But, latex gloves and a condom?  Really?  Sorry, there are just some things I won't pick up.   

Carpe diem Life (and try to leave it better than you find it),
David Kuhn

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