Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Self-Activated Service Project

I looked out the window yesterday and saw that it was starting to snow.  To the woods!

I reached out to an old buddy of mine who enjoys hiking.  He had some free time, so we headed off to the woods, not to, as Thoreau said, "because I wish to live deliberately, to form only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." 

No. We went to pick up trash.
Jim C.

A few years ago I sort of adopted the North Woods off First Avenue and go there from time to time to get out and hike, to live deliberately -- if only for a brief time, and pick up trash.  It's a disgusting job, but I feel that somebody ought to do it.

Good to have company on this adventure.  And a 30-gallon trash bag later, we left the woods ready for her to receive the blanket of snow that fell last night. 

Carpe diem Life,
David Kuhn 

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