Saturday, December 1, 2018

Why did the boy drop his ice cream?

Because he was hit by a bus!

A line from my "Manifesto in Progress" says, "Help me laugh at myself, lighten up, and not take life too seriously."

In that vein, vane, vain (sometimes autocorrect can be your worst enema) . . .

I present a few lines I read this morning that made me, for whatever reason, smile:

If procrastination was an Olympic sport, I'd compete in it later.

If someone asks you about a musical you haven't seen, fake it by saying, "I love that part at the end when they all sing together."

I think I speak for everyone when I say people who think they speak for everyone are idiots.

One day, a little boy wrote Santa Claus, "Please send me a sister."  Santa wrote back, "OK, send me your mother!"

Eight out of ten experts agree that the other two are idiots who should stop being thought of as experts.

Why people say I'm ignorant, I'll never know.

I accidentally swallowed some Scrabble tiles.  My next dump could spell disaster.

I wanted to be a blogger badly, and I've achieved my ambition -- I'm a bad blogger!

Carpe diem Life -- and don't take life too seriously,
David Kuhn

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