Tuesday, March 24, 2020

101 Things To Do During Self-Quarantine

While I still have shifts to cover at the hospital, I will be spending a lot of time at home.  Here my list of 101 Things to do during my self-quarantine.  In no particular order:

1. Clean desk (since I'm sitting here looking at it while I typle this)
2. Organize guitar practice schedule
3. Tune the guitar and practice guitar daily
4. Organize banjo practice schedule
5. Tune the banjo and practice daily
6. Switch my closet from Winter clothes to Spring
7. Have campfires under starry skies
8. Continue to cut up an old cedar fence we had taken down last year
9. Build garden planter boxes out of (see no. 8)
10. Plant flowers
11. Cut grass (first cutting of year usually takes four times as long)
12. Builtd firewood rack and restock wood
13. Hang pictures on walls which were recently painted (the walls, not the pictures)
14. Completely clean house after painting projects (top to bottom)
15. Hang new light in hallway
16. Seal or ? our firewood box in house
17. Wash kitchen cabinets and touch-up / repaint
18. Clean up and paint bathroom vanities (if new countertops are still coming)
19. Read a book on compassion
20. Enjoy deck — especially at night
21. Find recipe and make energy bars
22. Make craft kits and send to grandkids
23. Learn to FaceTime with kids / grandkids
24. Continue to work shifts at hospital
25. Clean and organize garage
26. Go though boxes of my parents stuff
27. Minimize my stuff
28. A place for everything
29. Everything in its place
30. Organize magic tricks and learn a new one
31. Create cartoon stick figures characters and create a comic strip
32. Clean out truck
33. Wash and wax truck
34. Ride bike
35. Write a song called “This Too Shall Pass”
36. Or “This Shit Shall Pass”
37. Learn how to properly punctuate song titles (quotes, italics, ?)
38. Find a way to be of service during this time (in addition to my hospital shifts)
39. Update my journals (grandkids and kids)
40. Work at cabin, boat out, fish, canoe . . .
41. “It’s not too far away, but it’s not close enough” - about the end of all this
42. Study Kreg Jig system and master
43. Deliver Jim’s Christmas Gifts (bat house, hang a decorative tile, clean his workbench area)
44. Watch a Steve Martin play the banjo video on YouTube
45. Lose 2 lbs. a week (diet and exercise)
46. Write this blog
47. Update my family and friends directory
48. Finish the 2019 family videos and send to grandkids
49. Copy 2015 (somehow missing from master files) and home for master
50. Find a worthwhile TV series to watch
51. Call on my muzzleloading pistol (sent off for repair)
52. Put new strings on guitar
53. Cook a new Mediterranean recipe from cookbook
54. Write more songs / cords to lyrics I’ve written
55. Send to Essence Brothers
56. Build three more decorative trees (Amy, Lucy, Abby)
57. Start carving again (spirit faces, owls, learn something new)
58. Change out lights in kitchen and upstairs hall
59. Doodle
60. Organize my “tiny treasures” cabinet
61. Start “Tiny Stories” project
62. Buick started, run, drive
63. Build cabinet insert for kitchen
64. Build plate stand
65. Plan patio wall area
66. Plant grass where needed
67. Build canoe rack at cabin
68. Fishing license
69. Wink, wink
70. Heat strip off at cabin
71. Roof cleaned and gutter cleaned at cabin
72. Cut grass for neighbors
73. Visit St. Joe and spring cleaning
74. Spring flowers for Grandma Louie
75. Windshield wiper on passenger side truck
76. Organize Patoka Valley Long Rifles files and stuff
77. Box and donate stuff to Goodwill or ?
78. Continue to learn new recorder
79. Cut Lucy’s after bunnies have left
80. Receive Amazon banjo book and CD - Read
81. Clean out kitchen junk drawer
82. March Patoka Valley Long Rifles newsletter
83. Really learn to play a Hank Williams song
84. Go through Master To-Do list
85. Update my Christmas Savings can ($1 a day)
86. Create a “Ten-minute Projects” game
87. Floss daily
88. Set up archery bow and shoot
89. Read Robert Fulghum essays on-line
90. Study music theory (for guitar and banjo especially)
91. Read a joke book
92. Take a 30-minute walk every day
93. Listen to all the Beatles albums
94. Clean out To-Do Cubby in desk
95. Re-read Zen Guitar book
96. Clean out shed
97. Plant gourds (try again this year)
98. Planters and ? around deck
99. Table and chairs to Lucy’s
100. Marvel that I actually accomplished 100 things!

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