Thursday, December 15, 2016

Plod On!

The letter P in my Carpe Diem Life acronym means, to me, Persistence.  I heard a phrase today that might fit even better:  Plod On.

The actual quote from a book by Gail Sher, “Plod on.  Plodding onward— even when you’re in the wrong mood— plod on.”

I’m not sure that I’ve ever heard the phrase; I know I’ve never used it.  However, I love the descriptively blunt tone of plod on.  For me, it conjures up an image of an old workhorse plowing a field.  Laboriously trudging along under the weight of his burden, he glances up at the horizon and sees no end to the row he’s working.  He puts his head down and focuses just in front of him and plods on doggedly and slowly with heavy steps.  Plods on until the job is done.

Look up the work persistence and you’ll find thousands of intellectual quotes.  Look up plod on and you’ll find but a few.  The most quoted is by William Carey, an English Protestant missionary and Baptist minister, known as the "father of modern missions."

“I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything.”
The next time you’re trudging along under the heavy burden of a project, look down and focus on the next step.  Then plod on!

C = Choose
A = Action List
R = Resources
P = Plod On
E = Evaluate your progress

D = Direction, change if necessary
I = Improve along the way
E = Enjoy the process, knowing that it’s
M = My responsibility.  My . . .


Carpe Diem Life,
David Kuhn

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