Sunday, August 7, 2016

CARPE DIEM — What’s in a phrase?

The quest:  How to make the phrase carpe diem come to life.

While seize the day is a perfectly fine mantra, it’s too vague for me.  What am I seizing and how do I do it?

I’m now going to say something that few males ever admit:  I need a map!

What I’ve created (a work in progress, actually) is a Carpe Diem Life map to help me achieve any goals.

C = Choose
A = Action List
R = Resources
P = Persistent Action
E = Evaluation

D = Direction
I = Improvement
E = Enjoyment
M = My Life

First, you have to choose your goal.  Simple, right?

C = Choice. 


A = Action List
Breaking down that big goal into smaller steps is critical to your success. 

R = Resources
Knowledge helps negate fear.  Resources include books, internet, family, friends, mentors, etc.

P = Persistent Action
Take a look at your map?  Unless the “You are here” arrow and the “X” marking the treasure are in the exact same spot, you’re going to have to take action to achieve your goal.  As the old saying goes, you can’t plow a field by turning it over in your mind.

E = Evaluation
It’s good to stop from time to time to evaluate where you are on the journey.  Are you on the right path? DO you still even want to work to achieve that particular goal?

D = Direction
It’s easy to get lost along the way.  After an evaluation, decide which direction you’ll need to now travel to find your treasure (the goal).

I = Improvement
Let’s face it, everything can be improved.  The trick is to look at everything on the list — the goal, the action steps, how you’re performing, the resources, etc — and find ways the process can be improved. 

E = Enjoyment
This is one that I know I really need to work on.  But, it’s important to have fun along the way. 

M = My Life
Finally, you must take responsibility for your own journey.  As a general rule, no one is as invested in your dreams and goals as you are.

So, there you have my version of the Carpe Diem Life map.  I invite you to use it as it is or, because it is your own life,  I encourage you to make changes and craft your own. Be brave!

    “Whatever course you decide upon there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires....courage.”
— Rajph Waldo Emerson.


  1. My weakness is the other E...Evaluate! All the others I exercise with vigor. Now, where's that next china closet or cliff?!

  2. Wonderful beginning to a new adventure, I'll travel along since you know I can't read a map! I will work on evaluation also. I tend to just make a list and check it off, then make another list and keep pluggingng along...
