Here is a slo-motion shot of Jim creating spark, fire, and smoke with his flintlock.
This got me thinking about goals and hitting targets. Muzzleloaders are different from modern guns in many ways; There are certain procedures you must take if you’re to have any chance at success.
There’s a functioning gun, the right black powder and amount, the right size patch and ball, ramming the ball down to the charge, priming the gun, taking careful aim, proper form, etc. And, like most difficult things in life, you will only become better by trial and error, research with the help of all your RESOURCES, PERSISTENT ACTION in the form of proper practice, EVALUATION of the results, and going different DIRECTIONS when need-be.
The most important thing is ENJOYING THE PROCESS. After all, if you don't ENJOY the entire process -- including a lot of targets -- you’ll just give up. One thing is for sure, you’ll never hit the target that way.
Now, I’m average at best when it comes to hitting targets with my muzzleloader. However, I guarantee I could beat our best every time — IF I blindfold him.
If our club’s best can’t hit a target that he can’t see, how can you hit a target you don’t have. That’s why the C in Carpe Diem Life is CHOOSE.
Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals with deadlines, you don’t have a chance of hitting your target. There is not guarantee of complete success, of course. But, you are guaranteed to have a shooting chance if you take off your blindfold.
To paraphrase the great advertising icon Leo Burnett, When you shoot for the stars you may not hit one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either.
Shoot for the starts and take the Carpe Diem Life Map on your journey!
Here's to launching from the mud!