Tuesday, August 23, 2016


You’ve CHOSEN your goal, crafted your ACTION LIST, vetted you RESOURCES, started your journey taking PERSISTENT ACTION and hopefully the journey will go exactly as planned.  They always do, right?

Unfortunately, sometimes we encounter detours, wrong turns, and even a complete breakdowns.  And sometimes we’re distracted just enough to get off course without even realizing it.  Either way, it’s critical that we pull over from time to time and EVALUATE the reality of the situation -- not forgetting to enjoy the view.

If, after EVALUATING your progress, you confirm everything is right on track, then you can continue on down the path with renewed confidence.  If, on the other other hand, you find that you’re off course, you will have discovered it in plenty of time to make the proper adjustments.  True, you may even have to completely circle back and create new CHOICES, ACTION LISTS, RESOURCES, and start again with PERSISTENT ACTION, but isn't it worth it if you believe in your destiny?

Successful people’s attitude is never sometimes you win and sometime you lose.  According to John C. Maxwell, “Instead they think, Sometimes you win sometimes you learn.  They understand that life’s greatest lessons are gained from our losses — if we approach them the right way.”  (A must-read:  Sometimes You Win Sometimes you Learn by John C. Maxwell

On thing is for sure, you’ll have a much harder time identifying that there is a problem if you don’t stop and take the time to EVALUATE the reality of the situation and look for new strategies.

“Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that reality is going to deal with you.” — Alex Haley

Carpe diem.

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