So, I've been plinking around on my guitar for several weeks now. I've studied a few books, watched YouTube videos, listened to CDs, etc. Though I feel I've been making some progress, I've been feeling this need to get some human feedback.
Enter my friend Curt. As a musician and guitarists, he's shown an interest in my progress. So, I asked if he'd be interested in giving me a few tips. Like a true friend, he stepped up without condition. Last night we visited, plucked around, and, without judgments, gave me some much-needed hands-on advice. Nothing too intense, just enough to encourage me and to assure me that I was still heading in the right direction.
The "R" in Carpe diem Life stands for "Resources." Yes, resources such as those mentioned above, but also teachers. I know that I'm never going to improve unless I study and receive feedback from someone better than myself (at this stage, that's not hard to find).
"People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher and better than themselves." -- Tyron Edwards
Thank you, Curt, for sharing your time and talent with me.
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others." --Audrey Hepburn
Carpe diem Life
David Kuhn
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